Dragonthunders on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonthunders/art/In-the-oblivion-the-Phanerozoic-page-3-584436338Dragonthunders

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In the oblivion the Phanerozoic, page 3



Now welcome to Earth

  • Ruamoku is mainly made up of all continents that surrounded the Pacific Ocean and the ring of fire, so it was appropriate to give the name of a Maori deity.
  • Although the temperature of the earth has increased, the continental arrangement and reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere (this due to the process of weathering of silicate minerals accelerated by increased solar radiation) are fairly balanced temperature around the planet.
  • I made a small geographical error at the time painted the continental position, instead of putting the Arabian Peninsula as part of Asia, I colored it as part of Africa.
Species info

Feathens, the last kings of the air
Class Pilolepida
(Squamous Hair)

The Feathens are a new kind of vertebrates, a distant descendants of mammals from the Chiroptera order, after several radiation and countless adaptations redeveloped their flight abilities, but in a very peculiar way, this has been made possible by the evolution of integumentary wings instead of membranous wings.

Like archosaurs, they developed the same branched integument structures, so the plumage is quite convergent with avian feathers, however highlights another important feature, which then reveals soon.

For over 200 million years became in one of the 4 outstanding groups of flying vertebrates in the last part of the Phanerozoic, however, were the only ones to survive and expand after two mass extinctions. Like their ancestors, they are still viviparous.

Blue Phoenix
(Phenoxips cyanopteryx)

Info: The Phoenix are a clade of Feathens they were able to acquire unique and diverse colorations thanks to its filamentous structures and their ability to purchase different pigments.

The Blue phoenix lives mainly in the polar areas Ereboreus and migrates towards the coasts of Qarrajadi during the Cold seasons.
Often they travel in flocks of nearly 15 members and and when they migrate, these flocks are capable to reach enormous lengths, with thousands of individuals. They feed primarily insects and small vertebrates in warm season, but when they migrate outside Ereboreus,
they change their diet to piscivorous.
When they arrived to Qarrajadi continent, some females come into the mating season where they choose a male to mate and, from there, start to build a nest. They are quite versatile in it, because they can build from cliffs, trees and even a cave.
Their nests are glued to the wall through fluids, expelled from glands around its mouth. It takes several weeks for the female gives birth, and when it does take a couple of months for the offspring grow. 

Bennu cloud
(Ardeomorphus poliocrhomatus)
The Bennu are huge Feathens with a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters and are primarily large carnivores. The Cloud species usually inhabit mountainous areas of the continents, being an active predator, usually taking the coloration of the mountains or the ever so cloudy skies to ambush their prey.  When given the opportunity they are able to catch any creature that look, whether if came from land or from air, they are able to pursue and capture it's prey.
They usually nest above the cliffs, creating circular and compact nests where their young remain there until they are able to fly.

Image size
2400x3500px 7.33 MB
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Why does the feathen’s wing have each of the “feather” look like a single strand of fur instead of the feathers of birds?