Dragonthunders's avatar



So hello everyone, I hope you have a good day/night cycle...

It has been a time since the whole change of DA and its new UI and it has been noticeable that I have become very inactive around the site since then decreasing in posting drawings and not answering questions or posts, I've been concentrating more on somewhere else and has been from different factors, mostly I had to take a little distance from the site as I still do not get used to being with this type of style that I feel it is still half finished, and the attempt to make it more "professional" that fails for me. The UI for the Watchs looks horrendous and I really miss the ability to see the number of messages without being new, the total as in the old version.

The other thing is that I'm preparing to go to University, as eveything is going as planned, and I will have no time to really focus here. Perhaps a third reason is due to my investment in posting larger and more complex pieces (specialy some paleoart ones) that requieres a lot of research.

I have even seen some people commenting on my oldest pieces of work that go almost towards 2016, I would like to point out that I will not answer questions that have to do with content of that time to probably 2019 since they are quite old and I do not tend to remember most of what I have had planned, or do not get to develop more about those works since at the time I was working on them, had only completed what is on the description, and didn't elaborate more in lore or canon content.

For my projects... well...

The Future is Far is on hiatus until I figure out how to finish an introduction as it was more complicated of what I once considered to be, everything I did for future timelines is relatively canonical since some concepts and planned ideas still want to develop, but could undergo enormous changes due to readjustments in the story so please dont ask me about what will be the animals or what others animals exist in future periods because I don't have work at all in this.

The Size Chart project is going but very very slow, my focus is on prehistoric animals right now, I focus on having the closest thing to accuracy, anyone who has information on large taxon animals and wants to share it is welcome.

Rest of projects I had are probably canceled, one day may I take them again.

If you want to take a concept, go ahead, the thing is if you will develop it properly.

In other stuff has been glad to have been in this site, it has been a great part of my internet life as my development as artist and speccer happened mostly here, and from those I got inspired and shared good things I really thank you for that, probably will stick always time to time but I will probably move forward and see what will happen.

If people still want to see some more activity of me and my art follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/FabioAleRomero

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Part two: Back to the cycle

A legacy on a Post-human world

The Future is Far, The Posthuman Earth by Dragonthunders

In the sunset where several volcanoes products of the coastal volcanic activity in the region are aligned, an individual from another humanity is attentive to the translucent oval figure which has an internal dense tangled bizarre body, this "being" is one of many special probes created by the galactic human civilization for the surveillance and care of the planet.
Both are the result of human interactions and events in a million years, each in its own way, a legacy, the legacy of the longer exinct humanity on earth.

The days of Homo sapiens have already been counted, its history already ended and time has begun to do its will to continue the changes as the earth proliferates and moves towards a new period in its history. At night in the illuminated skies of the thousands and luminous celestial bodies that together make up the band of the milky way, infinities of strange movements occur, all of unusual "stars" that move in unique patterns at different speeds and directions, many of them directed by the distant descendants of the stellar colonizers, those human minds that managed to cultivate civilization in their cosmic youth, having conquered the attainable universe, some of these, being remote watchers from their old home without interfering. While on the surface of the planet, some small tribal bands, formed by other men, roam in their constant need to survive, and of course, the life that returned to rejoin after all the events that occurred in the era of humanity.

The landscape despite having passed a blink on the geological scale has already changed enough reforming everything that was standing or existing, including most if not all built human civilization objects, the change that has exerted the land for millions of years once again changed the terrain around, destroying most of the bits and pieces of the hundreds of civilizations that once roamed this planet built, neither structures, nor monuments, nor metal, rock or artificial material has been preserved intact from the time of its construction or creation, there are exceptions of course like artifacts and objects that were designed to withstand the passage of time, are too big to slowly resist the beat of elements or those objects that managed to fossilize, including specially the thousands of human remains scattered in particular areas apt for their preservation, encapsulated in a compact layer of rocks to be part of the geological record of another point in the history of life.

After all the inanimate pieces of human creation were never going to last on a dynamic planet that requires constant change to move forward and persist, even those pieces made to last for a long time will eventually fall, however this would not be the final legacy that humanity left, the legacy that has left transcends the material constructions, printed in life, of all the ecological interactions that occurred during the human era.

TFIF: the ruins the world hold... by Dragonthunders

It has been some million years since mankind built some mega-structure on its surface and all that existed have vanished due to erosion, although some giant monoliths of the golden era continue to show through the landscape, like the pillars of what were once conical megacities of almost 2 km high around the deltas of east asia and islands, long ago its floors and rooms collapsed towards the ground but the fairly massive columns remained almost intact, made of an "adaptable material" that has been repaired by its onw with each onslaught of the elements.
Of course these aren't eternal, as the centuries and millennia pass by, each part of this matter reaches its end of useful life that has extended much more than its builders had ever imagined, breaking down and losing part of the column...

The new men

Is important to mark out that when humanity colonized the stars they didn’t leave totally the planet as just a few groups of colonizers were send and most of the population was left behind populating the planet, having always a very large presence for many thousands of years, still with major events that reduced or created fluctuations on populations, humans were able to still hold and persist facing the complications of struggling to survive in this complicated world, more when they couldn’t be able to develop another high advanced technological civilization some hundreds of thousands of years after the existence of these. Even though there has been variable migrations of groups of people over the years, gradually and slowly many populations across the planet started to differentiate in certain anatomically and genetically aspects, thus creating new populations apart from H. sapiens;  for the first time in a million years the genus Homo became diverse in species once again, although these new humans were slightly different from the baseline H. sapiens, but at first as their changes were very little externally they would be passed as another common human being of the Anthropocene era to the point one couldn’t notice, only below the surface, inside their bodies, the organs and specially the blocks that build out their cells the variations would be noticeable.

Of course within many years and with continuous changes certain groups of those new human species started to differentiate each other more and more to a level similar to the pre-Anthropocene hominids, creating more varied forms segregated across the world separated by biogeographically or ecological boundaries, some populations on Africa adapted to grasslands and jungles, on Eurasia some species adapted to the cold, forestall, arid and tropical environments, pacific ocean variety of water and island dwelling populations, Australian with their own resilient desert-grassland dwelling population, North and South America with a diversity of species similar to Eurasia. Differences in the anatomical features of these various species became much settled compared to their early forms, varying from the shape of the face, bulk and height of the body. One noticeable trending thing has been the reduction of sapience over time, which, wasnt totally a natural thing happening but drived by some forces outside the earth which were selecting human trails to be more specialized and dim intelligence below the human level. With that gradual downgrade of their own intelligence most of these human species were still high cognitive species, enough to build tools and able to create abstract concepts and cultures, although some of these human populations are starting to loss more of these aspects and becoming more dependent on their anatomical adaptations for survival.

It only required a couple of million years for those human populations that remained on the planet to face major changes, even when they were still able to show great conscience and intelligence to survive, they were far from the capabilities and technologies of their last ancestors, being more similar to all those other humans prior to the revolution of civilization in many aspct, which resulted in natural selection again exercising its power upon the bodies and lifestyles, being biological, morphological and anatomical adaptations much more prominent for such challenges, causing all these human populations to begin to differentiate each other to the point of “become” new species, and for the first in many years, the genus Homo became widespread and diverse once again.

The Future is Far: the new humans by Dragonthunders

There are at least two types of human species that have emerged over the last million years, species of great range of distribution and generalistic lifestyles (d, e, g, h) and species of variable range and great specialization (a, b, c, f), each group has its strengths and weaknesses in certain environments but each one is adaptable enough to live, despite the fact that the bodyplan and basic lifestyles of the ancestors species are still hold as it is successful, this has not stopped other species in exploring new lifestyles, probably benefiting them in the long term and changing their bodies in the process.

Who is watching Earth?

On the stars, across the sky there has been interesting events that transcended the events that happened on earth, as the humanity that reached upon others worlds had its own complicated history to adapt and thrive in the countless celestial bodies across the galaxy. In a span of 50000 years they founded a very broad galactic civilization, formed by different members of different humans and uplifted intelligent species that evolved due to the transhuman effect of technology over the course of time as well the diversification and isolation on different worlds causing divergence, reaching periods of species degradation, expansion, extinction, with cosmic ages where many factions and folks arose and perished. At the end of this tumultuous path, the "humanity" that had managed to adapt better and withstand long-term changes became the dominant across the galaxy, in this case adopting various aspects of many cultures and civilizations that preceded them and of those which descended, including the most suitable ideas for their survival and well-being and their technologies, thus creating a better long living cosmic human race, this group of high advance and very prominent in the galactic background, the Elanu. This folk expands through different natural and artificial worlds with populations of trillions, none completely homogenous in its morphology or anatomy to say the least, they would be difficult to classify using the basic cladistics, their way they can modify themselves though artificial means, being able to modify their bodies radically to survive certain conditions including the harsh environment of space and space habitats, also how to modify themselves for cultural, social or simple cosmetic and entertainment reasons, even though with those modifications most of the population often preserve the human looking shape.

 TFIF: Elanu, the cosmic humanity by Dragonthunders

Elanu are long living beings with a span of hundreds of thousands of years, with a high brain capacity thanks to their big brains as well the integration of technology devices on their bodies outperform mental and cognitive abilities of a contemporary homo sapiens.

I the last million years they forged technologies that cross the boundaries of imagination and fantasy, they inquired and responded many of the secrets of space, time and the universe, (including what was beyond this and those other universes) something their ancestors started but expanded beyond of all expectations. Even though these “humans” are powerful and very wise, the cosmic folk are still mortal beings, with a based moral and feelings, totally different from the reader perhaps, but at the end they exist within a society, with their own communities, families, with desires, dreams and above all, curiosity... always attentive to what happens around the universe, including its original homeworld.

From many groups of elanu in the duty of maintain and control habitable worlds, a good amount had the chance to become the omnipresent gatekeepers of the cradle of all its kind, the planet earth and its inhabitants. They remained attentive upon the events that could happen on the surface as well over the world, always looking at the development of those humans left and the flora and fauna around, but with certain limitations.

 The way in which the Elanu manages preservation could be considered much more strict and firm compared to what their ancestors did since it puts certain considerations on the survival or extinction of an organism, depending on its position and importance in the environment, which makes that may or may not interfere in any event that could end many lives and only acting when such events reached the loss or devastation of ecosystems that at the level of a minor extinction on a continental or global scale, with this it is likely that only act against the loss of large-scale species caused by some kind of abrupt cataclysm but not to save one or a small number of species or ecosystems on a small or local scale or by a gradual change, such as islands or isolated environments and letting nature continue as it has always do. As for the remaining human hominids, there was a certain “freedom” given to these species, being annything related to migrations, populations or cultural development barely moderated as long as it didn't come out to damage ecosystems or pursuit for major civilization burst, but over time Elanus have been deliberately restricting more and more any kind of advancement, any progress was either destroyed or stopped due to the consideration of the rise of a new civilization trend at the step that Homo sapiens achieved would lead to a new possible loss of ecosystems in a very short time (speaking of geological scale). The elanu in most cases intervened in different ways over years, being at first soft and harmless approach but eventually escalated to extreme means, being one of the major moves the selective reduction of human intelligence by insolating population artificially and pressuring those populations to specialize in ways to push them to survive by their own as it was mentioned before, this has helped to shape the fate of some groups of humans and even provoke a new evolutionary pathway on some of these populations helping the remaining humans to thrive in ways that wouldn't cause the same errors as before.

The galactic humans do not maintain a physical presence on the planet apart from some exploration groups that live or visit the planet from time to time, being the majority of their monitoring done by special equipment suitable for work by gigantic entities known as ESSOS units (Earth Survey, Sentinel Observer and Supervisor), these strangers Semi-fluid-looking objects are A.I drones created in the orbit of the planet or the moon, tend to be structured in a crystalline sphere that has the conscious part of the entity, from which dozens of arms and tentacles protrude. They descend mostly below the sphere; the whole being is covered by a cloud of particles of moldable matter and “nanomachines” which protect the entity from the elements or any external factor, this "cloud" is held together by the use of a powerful field that produces the sphere. ESSOS numbers are on the hundreds, each unit is located in every active corner of the earth, always monitoring the conditions and situation of their respective regions floating and not interfering with the environment. These ways of caring seems to be effective on the last hundreds of thousands of years, but there will be more challenges that future human civilizations would need to take and more deep choices will need to be taken for life to continue as it has done.

TFIF: the ESSOS unit by Dragonthunders

ESSOS unit monitoring somewhere in the steppes of North America

The reorganization of life

The state in which the whole biosphere had to be recovered in the post-human time could be considered as a rather unusual and unique one in the biological and ecological history of the planet known with clades and species that disappeared selectively, others that had been mobilized and that were born in regions and areas in a radical way, through selective pressures both intentionally and unintentionally. No side of the earth was left intact from the overwhelming change, nor the farthest islands, or the deepest depths, or the most protected caves, all were reached by the impact of humanity that resulted in a change with varying intensity, which has culminated in a mosaic of new environments in a world that has been inherited by an interesting tangle of creatures.

The winners at the beginning of the great ecological conquest throughout the planet have been the tangle of animals of domestic origin, either those created by advance technology or invasive species, which with the lack of predators or other competitors on their way would show to be extremely adaptable and free to spread without limitations. However in the foreign environments where they had flourished eventually counteracted their uncontrolled expansion at the time, groups of animals and plants that kept living around these new intruders eventually became accustomed to the point where these invaders were integrated into their respective territories, ending their time of uncontrolled dominance. This did not stop several of staying quite prominent in ecological niches however, even more in some regions of the planet they became important pieces in the restoration of the vacuum of niches.

Alongside them, there were the main survivors of the previous epoch, all the wild species that were never domesticated or just partially tamed, from the first days of the new era and advancing a couple of million years they persisted the collateral damage caused by the minor extinction that occurred during the last million years of human domination, which had caused a tremendous loss in the diversity of animals and plants due to the destruction of habitats, and tremendous reductions of populations, having begun during the Pleistocene and it worsened during the Holocene by the anthropocentric influence. Most of the victims of the event were megafauna and very insolated or specialized animals living in very precarious ecosystems or niches, dying in the hundreds when their biomes didn’t support the yoke of the uncontrollable consumption of resources. 


Despite humanity's attempt to restore several species that had been lost during the most serious period of extinction with a varied success, the reality is that this was never enough to recover what was killed so excessive, all these varieties of fauna and flora that once existed, had disappeared forever. But at last nature doesn’t stop when harm is done, from those species that survived now they will start the cycle of adaptation and radiation once again, and with it a new wave of diversity.

TFIF: Suvivors of the Anthropogenic event by Dragonthunders

One of the best example of the radical transition of wildlife could be Australia, once a world apart from the rest of the planet with a bizarre native fauna formed by large marsupials, just only colonized from outside by rodents and bats, birds and reptiles on the side of megafauna and others species, but since the arrival of man and throughout its era there was an extreme turn of the biodiversity of this micro-world, those iconic megafauna having disappeared and being replaced by invaders from other lands, the first wave of extinction being around the Pleistocene and the second during the mid-Holocene in the boom of the first global civilization of the human era. Lots of species perished, and even with time some of those species brough they accompanied those in the oblivion. After that, those new beings that settled down and together with the survivors will now confront what the future holds.

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Well, most of you already know about what happened last week about the SE forum and its conversion to the tapatalks platform giving an end of the decade period of Zetaboard spec evo, and with it the displeasure of most of the members about the format which was complicated to navigate and unpleasant at the vision, we started to look for alternatives.

Eventually, by choice of most of the top staff as well all the active members of the forum we decided that was for the best to go to a new place, and because it wasn't, isn't and will not be possible to scrap all of the original information from the original forum, we chose to start new and from zero. 

And for that, I present you the new and fresh....

Speculative Evolution Forum 2

Hosted in jcink and being almost similar in all aspects of Zetaboards in relation to its software, is now our new area for work and speculation, and in spite of having been painful and expensive the migration to this new place, it has been for the moment the most reliable option.

So welcome to newcomers as well any of any old member.
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Part I: Age of Mankind

Before entering fully into the picture of the new world emerged from the chaotic transition of our time to the other, it is necessary and appropriate to talk about the fate and end that suffered the human species as the world they founded, a "brief" explanation about the things they did and come up into the consequences we were going to see, however, even though as previously emphasized that they had done myriad events and things before their sunset, few of these situations had a quite large or at least remarkable impact on the great outline of the things of the future, so in these following writings we will only talk about the situations that affected the evolution of the earth, life and humanity on this planet. Things like new cultures, new civilizations and ways of life as historical events that only affected the course of humanity are story to be told other time.

Faulty steps

Evolve and prosper or die and become extinct, is the only phrase that could describe the choice always man had, unlike any other species that has existed, they have the ability to save or annihilate themselves.

During the 21st century, most of contemporary civilization had reached a critical point in terms of its development on a global scale due to the constant and rather delicate situation due to the result of years of neglect related to consumerism and excessive resource abuse and lack of limitations, contributing to a growing climate change, pollution and the constant modification of the natural environment to supply the needs of the large population. This led to several crises over the years that lasted for decades in several regions, such as years of disasters both natural and caused by man, social problems, famine, epidemics, lack of potable water, death of hundreds of thousands and even millions of people, the loss of large-scale natural habitats in several regions and the extinction of hundreds of species, only being a fortunate part surviving in seclusion by artificial means.

Despite what could be considered an unfavorable and possibly quite obscure future, this would be nothing more than a stumble, which the subsequent generations would try to correct for the following years. By the end of the XXI century and the beginning of the XXII century, the several who lived and their descendants who endured the adverse carelessness of previous decades would endeavor to remedy the damage with the use of knowledge and resources, tried to address and solve the crises that risk the whole species with the total collapse of civilization, especially in a world that was already suffering from lack of resources and a prevalent deep environmental imbalance. It was not a quick or simple transition, it took decades and the strength of the best hands, but in the end and in a way something was achieved. The implementation of new technologies as the change of lifestyle of the majority of the population, large-scale birth control and the regulation of pollutant emissions led to a gradual stabilization of the harmful effects of human activities in relation to the capacity of the Earth to recover.

For the following centuries, began a much more stable period than they had been in previous years in terms of social and environmental development, with a majority of nations and societies managed to coexist in an adequate and stable way even though there was still with some disagreement or conflict, however, these weren’t on the global scale and less to the extreme degree of lasting years or decades. These new societies in the boom of the relative prosperity had continued with the advance and technological and scientific development, with each day giving new discoveries, from the creation of new useful materials, development of efficient transport methods, much more optimal renewable energies and accessible communication methods, among others, but of these, two fields would have circumstantial effects that would reverberate in the long term.

In the astronomical field, the extended colonization across the solar system had begun having already started, being already established with the missions to Mars and the moon in previous centuries, it had continued with the establishment of permanent colonies in both celestial bodies, and in specific on Mars, the terraforming process to make it a second earth; Space mining played an important role in large-scale and long-term sustainable development, since with abundant resources between asteroids and larger bodies, human civilization could be supplemented with resources the following centuries without the need to resort to land as source and almost completely independent of this, while paving the survival of the genus off the planet Earth and increasing the chances of it to endure against several disasters by not being confined to their own fragile and limited cradle. The exploration of the solar system also provided something much more significant, the discovery of extraterrestrial life forms from fossils and few pockets of life on Mars, unicellular life in the skies of Venus, and most remarkable of all: complex creatures living inside of some of the ice moons of the gaseous giants.

The other field was Ecology and related sciences, the applications and studies give the push for the change of the infrastructure as lifestyles of several societies, which allowed a much more stable ecological balance, rebuilding whole cities to mix them with the nature, making buildings and constructions with extensive forest areas with different varieties of flora as of crossed areas where nature sustains and coexists without problem, clean and full of life. The massive reforestation and recovery of natural areas to which they had been lost by human activities helped to recover the biosphere slightly, although not at the same level as at pre-industrial times because of the damage done and with the still prevalent anthropogenic pressure as well the lost of diversity.

Since it was born, genetics led human civilization gradually to take a new step to be at the forefront of a revolution, since with the ability to change the organic bases of living beings with beneficial results, he promoted the creation in an extended way or modification of organisms to meet certain specific needs in common life, and even the manipulation of humanity itself, although not to the degree of eugenics. The refining and improvement in these fields soon paid off at the point where they needed it most, helping the results were varied depending on the application, from cell cultures to the creation of tissues and organs from 0, development of unique domestic creatures without the genetic problems involved in basic artificial selection, the development of new ways of life for scientific or civil uses, the elimination of hereditary diseases, new and more resistant types of food, etc.

One of the branches of which had more consequences and that would have enough weight in the long term was the De-extinction, the ability to bring an extinct species back to life. This was remarkable for the reasons it was applied, initially as in the classic science fiction stories for entertainment purposes, but little by little the course was changed and the use of these technologies was emphasized to restore species that few centuries had disappeared by the destruction caused by anthropogenic activities. This practice had been tried previously in the previous century, always with few results since what was created was a handful of individuals of certain species of mammals and in some cases of birds and reptiles, who had the chances of survival mixed with a little of success to integrate relative to nature in special reserves, but you could never return to these creatures properly and less to create viable populations, or in most cases, it was not a pure species but an hybridized one. However, thanks to the practice, years of study and development of suitable protocols and breeding techniques have been able to advance extremely well, being now able to not only revive individuals but also to restore populations in their natural environment, and ensure the development of generations viable and able to live without direct intervention of man.

This of course didn’t mean a complete restoration of all species that had previously been extinct, only certain organisms that had been extinct recently, such as some types of megafauna and several iconic or useful species could be recovered as well many that their genome was saved in the ecological disaster of the XXI and XXII centuries. The reasons why the rest could not be revived have been varied, from physical problems such as the inability to find enough genetic material, loss of special and unique habitats in which certain species had developed, and ethical or philosophical dilemmas and of logic related to "recreating" the creatures that once existed, imposing the argument that some of these were irremediably doomed to extinction and that reliving them was just a waste of time and effort and probably nature could recover on its own. As a side effect of the refinement of genetic manipulation for De-extinction, it also paved the way for a much more useful and effective option in the preservation of species, the recovery of endangered species with low genetic diversity or being unable to reproduce properly.

The restoration of the earth in the end turned out to be only the foundation of a new world, already totally different from the previous one, nevertheless this was a stable world, without the great problems that tormented the previous generations, in this way and for several centuries the humanity adequately survived and coexisted with the earth and maintained itself as a civilization. This new state was not a utopia, of course, conflicts and problems of cultural, economic or other types, as well as natural and artificial disasters, continued to arise, humanity would always be in danger.

An average city of the XXIV century, is characterized by the dominant city towers product of the attempts to solve the problems of population in several regions giving the opportunity for tens of thousands of people with the little space that was left in the big metropolis, go upwards instead of sideways. But these are only a reminder of the time of overpopulation crisis at the end of the 21st century, since at this point the population in general had been reduced, however, they continued to be useful, since with the restructuring of the cities to make them less urbanized and integrate them into a natural it was possible to rid several areas of buildings and return them to their wild state. For the rest of buildings they remain with few changes being a green and ecological remodeling the most noticeable.

Solar system civilization, rise and fall and rise

The rest of the millennium until 3000 years was eventually marked by many more great events including the successful terraformation of Mars, the discovery of complex life outside the solar system and the first visits to exoplanetas light years of earth and the subsequent colonization of these, the elimination of important invasive species in several regions, the recovery of several ecosystems, the almost total cleaning of pollutants and the regulation of the climate by artificial forms, being at this point the human civilization able to use the energy of the planet and become a civilization type 1 on the Kardashov scale.

Unfortunately, everything that had been forged over the centuries had a drastic retreat because at the end of the millennium and the beginning of the other as two terrible calamities occurred, the first being the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano that caused a severe damage in the terrestrial infrastructure, and the second and most devastating was the war against a Mars that tried to declare its independence, with a population made up of true Martians who had been born and raised there, and were not willing to work for another planet. This war, the largest of humanity to that point, ended with both sides losing everything, with hundreds of millions of deaths, Mars was almost destroyed and the Earth was put in a rather deplorable state, with what was once a great global civilization in that retracted point, disconnected from the vast spatial domain, with the loss of enough knowledge and technology, where the survivors would find themselves living in a new period of darkness for the following centuries. Although there was a relative recovery on the part of certain nations and cultures to an almost similar level of the industrial age, they were stopped by the lack of resources that had allowed the emergence of the first great civilization that was now greatly scarce , the rest of the world remained in a dynamic state of changes not so different to another time with the rise and fall of nations, peoples, cultures, technological advances, civil wars and the occasional world war, although not fought to the scale of the previous ones, with a global population of just one billion people that slightly increased and decreased. However, everything took a radical turn several centuries later with an imminent invasion from beyond the stars.

The aftermath of Yellowstone after months of throwing great quantities of volcanic material into the atmosphere and having left much of North America in a gray ash covering, this would be the greatest ecological disaster that humanity had faced since the climate change of the early global civilization, facing years of drastic changes and problems.

Outside the earth, in the far regions of spaces several other equally great events had been unleashed, since of the pioneers which went to colonize other worlds in the boom of the first space civilization prospered and came to develop and maintain advanced civilizations, eventually contacting some with others, but unfortunately in some cases conflicts arose, especially one initiated by a civilization that had embarked on extrasolar conquest, causing a much greater war in calamity compared to the Martian, causing destruction and death through different solar systems and planets for several centuries.

This confrontation eventually reached the earth, with the expected negative consequences of devastation on a global scale and with the death of a sixth of the world population and years of constant opposition against the invaders, however a singular positive change occurred that once again put to the earth in the same way they had prior to the war of the worlds and it was the impulse of the technological development by the pressure to be equal before the invading force, returning to restore the terrestrial human civilization to a same state almost similar to that of the third millennium thanks to the help of extrasolar allies. After the interstellar conflict was finalized, approximately 4000 years after the first human left the earth, the new and revitalized solar civilization in conjunction with the coalition of other solar systems began a new epoch of discovery and colonization through space. , that would lead to this coalition of human worlds to grow and develop.

Already advancing the years, the land little by little stopped being the focal point of the great and transcendental events for the interstellar dwelling humanity, at least in several cultural, social or economic aspects for the now innumerable other habitable worlds that have greater relevance in these areas, in the end and for good the third world around the yellow star had become a kind of "Interplanetary heritage world" for its historical significance being the original world that cradled and kept the baseline humanity and also as an ecological reserve where a healthy and diverse biosphere is preserved. Eventually the advanced civilizations that inhabited the planet little by little began to "migrate" out of this by the opportunities and benefits in other worlds, in a period of a thousand years, a population that had increased to almost 2000 million after of revitalization had been gradually reduced, to reach 500 million, and thus gradually reduced to less than tens of millions, being already composed of a few advanced villages, scientific or military surveillance posts as rudimentary and tribal-type populations, leaving much of the planet in a state prevalently free of long urbanizations and being wild.

From here the human history was divided in two fronts, the one of the interstellar civilization which already did not interfere in enormous measure in the schemes of the planet unless they happened events that threaten it, and those that were still living in the earth, that in spite of that some of the populations still maintained high technological levels and contacts with other civilizations outside the earth, there were many others that remained disconnected, seeing themselves without the need to depend on any other aid than what the world itself offers. This of course was not easy, since in the following centuries and millennia, these would as before be in the inclemency of the planet that is and will always change and affecting these cultures and societies.

The de-extinction of the woolly mammoth was a singular event in comparison to others due to the implications that have had its return in the ecology of the Siberia tundra, where it provided a fundamental link to reinforce the development of the grasslands, they in great amount increase its population in less than a century. Even in the destruction of the first global civilization they went on their way and even managed to colonize new territories in Europe and America. Many inhabitants of these regions tried to tame this species, being the most successful the populations where these hairy pachyderms had originally reborn. Descendants of those groups and tribes on Siberia that preserved their old way of life have become the tamers of mammoths, the riders of the great tundra dwelling pachyderms, using them as a method of transportation and cargo, as a source of food, clothing and even ivory.


50000 years after the first great terrestrial civilization, the earth had finally entered its new glacial period, covering the hemispheres in ice and snow, reducing the levels of the sea, and devastating a large part of the nations and empires that existed for that point in several temperate areas, several unable to adapt, many perished, others had to migrate to the equatorial regions leaving abandoned lands and towns that were either covered by the cold or those that were no longer productive. New civilizations, however, arose in other places, between the new coasts in the equatorial areas, the desert parts that grew green, the rivers and lakes that were formed with the new climate, remaining more restricted in number of population by the available resources. Thus, for another tens of thousands of years, the earth did not see a new civilization on a global scale again, and most of the human societies did not leave what could be comparable to a state similar to the pre-urbanized societies, building from time to time settlements but none exceeded millions of inhabitants, some erected as in ancient times new structures and iconic buildings, developed their own ways or similar social structures or apart from the old, their religions and cults to worship and ask and to understand their world, their countries with capital and state borders, they returned and lost knowledge and sciences, and they collected what they needed according to their needs. Disasters during this time tended to be local or regional, being the only disaster caused by humans or epidemics being certain of these events arose on a continental scale every century and stopped by outside intervention, not by a nation or a superpower, but by another human race, the distant descendants of the inhabitants of the stars adopted the mission of vigilantes, lifeguards and moderators of the decisions of the most rudimentary civilizations as well their survival, especially those of the earth, to avoid any of the terrible errors as in previous times. Of the few interactions between the two humans, from time to time it provided these rudimentary peoples with certain advanced technologies, and unique resources that in one way or another improved life but never managed to promote their development.

More than 60000 years in the future, the ice age is at its peak, covering much of the Asian regions and making glacial barriers in various sectors of the Tibetan plateur as well many other regions. Of course not everything is covered with ice, and for the tropics and especially the equator, forests and jungles extend that now keep most of the human population. It can be noticed that around the planet there is a group of points that surround the equator, and that is that they are satellite stations that keep monitoring the conditions of the planet.

The terrestrial biosphere, on the other hand, made good progress in recovering what had been lost and damaged in these last thousands of years, despite the fact that humanity throughout this time tried to correct all the severe damage caused, in the end the only thing that could give a full balance of all the Anthropogenic disorder would be the same planet, the forces of natural selection, of ecological successions, each one in its time would eventually fill the gaps and would make up what had been lost, exhausted and worn out. Populations in regions and islands had differentiated themselves genetically enough to form their own and individual populations; invasive species that could not be exterminated adequately or that were reintroduced in later times reduced their negative effects as they eventually became integrated into the ecosystems and regions as fauna and flora accustomed and adapted to them; Forest areas and coral reefs multiplied and grow, and had become sufficiently old and established to have recovered the biodiversity level they previously had.

The recovery of the flora and fauna had resulted in a mixed mixture, consisting of an amalgam of species that had endured under anthropogenic pressures, added invasive species both originally introduced and new introduced by other civilizations, and several species of extinct or that had been born of genetic manipulation and that managed to survive and turn into feral forms. Regarding the recovery of megafauna diversity, unfortunately for this point there were no subtle or relevant changes apart from the emergence of divergences of populations by regions, only remarkable at the genetic level, to the land it would take more time before it was notice more subtle changes. Although the new ice age had deep effects on the ecological distribution of several of the ecosystems across the planet and several animal populations, with even the extinction of some species, eventually life around quickly adapted without many mishaps, as always they did.

These are the remnants of what was once a temple, belonging to a great civilization that once thrived and dominated the center of the "green sahara" that emerged during the last glacial period. The statue of a lioness is for the devotion and worship of a deity related to fertility, hunting and war, something that was probably essential in the day to day of this society, but with the end of the ice age and the return of the desert this cult and its population fade away.

This long ice age eventually ended, and with it started a new interglacial period, in which a phenomenon occurred that was not predicted that could arise for a second time, humanity flourished and exploded in population as it had the last time again and developing new cultures and civilization, thanks to agriculture and permanent urban settlements, however, these civilizations were eventually adopted and molded for the humanity of the stars, this to not allow some kind of disaster or collapse. In this “rebirth” there was an exponential cultural and scientific growth, some reaching advanced levels of technology similar to those of the medieval and renaissance periods in only hundreds of years, quickly jumping to a globalized industrial civilization in less than 2 centuries. Although the progress of this second society had been one more controlled and moderate compared to the first, it began to show varieties of consequences due to the eventual explosion of population and the need for resources, with the emergence of some conflicts around of the planet, it is not known if it was due to overconfidence, some miscalculation or because the guardians of the earth were not interested, but this situation had been left to its own course with little intervention, with the faith that it could be remedied by itself, but it did not, and it got worse over time.

The cosmic humanity to avoid an ecological imbalance or the collapse of this by a possible new anthropogenic terrestrial event, had to apply severe measures against the development of this second civilization, varying from the imposition of norms and being the most severe the exile of a part of the population to other worlds or human colonies. This global subjection event was not one that happened without mishaps, with local confrontations, rebellions and even a short but quite devastating war that led to the death of tens of millions, and many years of costly adaptation and adjustment by the population, in only 500 years this second industrial civilization saw its conclusion with most of its structure already dismantled and its population migrating towards new worlds, being those who stayed the ones that recognized and obey the terms imposed by the galactic civilization to live. These events, despite having been of a social nature and not having any enormous effect on the dynamics of the planet, would have later repercussions on how galactic humanity would deal with the development of later terrestrial societies.

The Sunset of the sapient

Terrestrial humanity continued in the nonstop cycles of creation and destruction of societies, varying in domain extension, populations, ideologies or forms of thinking and beliefs, several managed to last thousands of years and others perished in less than a few years, more cities, monuments, buildings and structures were built and lasted until they fell to the ground from which they were made, everything in thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years. An remarkable effect that was going on over the years was that the native humanity had begun a technological and cultural regression for each environmental change every hundreds of thousands of years by the glacial cycle, and for short periods they returned to develop many ephemeral civilizations that later fall back into the simplicity of tribal societies, without large settlements. On the other hand, the galactic civilization had withdrawn over the years and ceased to intervene in the affairs of terrestrial societies directly, without trying to make them progress in any way, the lesson that gave the second terrestrial civilization showed that for well of the earth and perhaps to avoid some major problem it was better to let the earth decide the fate that befalls these human beings and also not try to give them a new impulse, without some interference or help, and only intervene when there is a potential risk for the whole native life itself. And in truth, the earth had begun its process, since with the isolation between populations across several territories in conjunction with the pressures caused by certain lifestyles as environments they managed to cause a divergence of the human species in new "subspecies" and species in the last hundreds of thousands of years, not so different in the human form but with slight morphological changes and marked genetic changes.

As in the Earth, As in the skies, humanity thrived and stays, each one in their own way.

Time passed ... and approximately 1 million years after the first global civilization had appeared, since the first human being left the earth in the conquest of what exists beyond, the galaxy hosts the greatest cosmic civilization that the descendants of man have formed, and while in the land that is uninhabited of great civilizations and totally dominated by its biosphere, there are still varieties of hominid species that were the result of ecological pressures, most still being of the genus Homo and some new genus, but neither on earth or in space none of these humans were H. sapiens, they had for some time begun to pull back from the galactic and terrestrial surroundings becoming quite absent, and is that like any other species their time was concluding, and that by this point, they were in their final decline. Although the Homo genus managed to thrive and diversify both on land and in space, H. sapiens as the species declined over the millennia because of genetic divergence, and the habitable conditions of several of the worlds they transfigured into new beings, that with the genetic erosion and probably the assimilation by other species by hybridization caused their eventual descent.

The last Baseline Homo sapiens on Earth lived in some region of Central America and South America, they finally perished during the last glacial cycle approximately 800000 years after the first civilization, giving an ending to the last original earth sapiens. In space, in some distant points of the galaxy as in special habitats, populations of Homo sapiens survived for much longer, although for them time was running out as the same pressures that had caused the extinction of H. sapiens on earth, little by little reached all these populations, although it still happened slowly enough to last another 200,000 years, but the inevitable fate would come. The last existing H. sapiens in the universe gave a final migration back to earth, a tribute to their own species, going back their planetary cradle as it would become the final tomb for the species.

At first the this initial population had thousands of individuals, but little by little this population fell in number, voluntary part of the final, and the thousands became hundreds, then tens, and thus, only a few, and when the last human being in his bed gave the last breath and expired…

The human species, the Homo sapiens disappeared from the face of the universe.

The outcome of a species that had achieved the improbable in the grand scheme of things, stand up to each stumble, before each hard fall, which led to generate new and unique results, which will reverberate in the subsequent centuries. This end could be considered the best for a species that on countless occasions had risked an inevitable and painful extinction caused by themselves or by some other massive disaster, especially by the self-destructive attitudes that sometimes took them to the edge of the catastrophe, a triumph for a species that had done much, the quiet and silent end, completing a whole cycle, everything started on earth, and everything will end on earth.

Of course, the end of man was not the end of everything else, the universe and its inhabitants continue with their way, after all this species was not essential for the total functioning of life, it was only a protagonist of the great existential show, and now, this show is starting the next chapter.

The last step, is the material monument given by the last human being, this built with technologies that will endure the elements, the erosion and the passage of time millions of years, only to witness what would be the reminder of the species that changed the course of the history of this planet in a peculiar way, a reminder that with effort and time anything will leave a mark.

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